: Job Description Library
The Job Description Library is an especially time saving system for HR personnel and department managers. All job descriptions are maintained in a database and may be reviewed at any time by anyone with proper access permissions. Employees should always be able to review their own job descriptions, but, beyond that, HR sets the permissions. At minimum, normally, everyone upstream can see the job descriptions of those below them in their chain. Most companies find it useful for employees to see the descriptions of any position for purposes of determining if they are qualified for a transfer or, if not, what they need to do to qualify. As an individual is assigned a position, their job description becomes instantly attached to them and available for review. In addition, each employee can have his or her own customized job description-even if they share the general job title with others. This becomes especially important when performance reviews are performed. Positions can be tagged for background updates to reduce negligent retention liability. If a new position is being created, HR or the department supervisor can review descriptions for similar positions, copy and edit an existing description tailoring it specifically for the new position. No need to reinvent the wheel each time a new position is created: Consistency, Fairness, Speed. Integrates with: